As you may have noticed my site looks extra spiffy. Its been redesigned and updated by Ian Walker who I highly recommend!!
the past few weeks
– Just wrapped up recording keys for two new Everclear albums with Nathaniel Kunkel behind the console at Sound City Studios. Best rock room in LA….or the world? I’m a sucker for rough mixes but these ones in particular sound absolutely incredible.
– Started recording keys with Jesca Hoop and Tony Berg at Zeitgeist for her upcoming album. Shawn Everett behind the console. Saw the first pressed Blake Mills Break Mirrors CD, a damn good album through and through. Great to see old friends again.
-Started recording keys with Producer DJ B. Original at my studio re-recording samples for Prodigal Sunn’s upcoming mixtape.
– Just finished the 8-bit remix of New Tokyo Terror’s Chicken Circus.
– Wrapped up a session at Entourage Studios with producer Eric Corne for a new artist named Kail. They’re cutting not one but two EP’s with Ian Walker on bass and Kiel Feher on drums.
– I’ll be playing my final two shows with Everclear at the end of this month. It’ll be a bittersweet farewell, we’re playing the Beale Street Music Festival in Memphis alongside some incredible folks like Cake, MGMT, Flaming Lips, and Stone Temple Pilots. Its been an amazing journey with Everclear and they’ve been my family for the last year and a half! I’ll miss all the jackassery!
– Mixing 3 new tracks for my new solo project, Thank You, Goodbye. Here’s a preview of the new song When We Were Kids on my music page.
That’s all for now,